What is Circular Economy?
The current environmental crisis that we find ourselves in, is multidimensional – rising emissions, limited availability of resources, excess waste, and loss of biodiversity, are some of the common issues that every industry is facing today. There is a magic word which is conveniently used as a solution to many of these problems – Circular economy. This is a term given to a set of changes in supply chains of consumer and industrial products aimed at maximising the utilization of products and the materials used in those products to minimize waste. It can be implemented by reducing, reusing, recycling, and recovering of materials in supply chains.

ESG Intelligence contributes to the Global Standards Mapping Initiative (GSMI)
As blockchain technology continues to evolve, calls for clarity surrounding technical, regulatory, and governance models have intensified. GSMI is an unprecedented effort to map and analyze the current landscape of technical and regulatory standards aimed at inspiring responsible innovation.
Blockchain Consortium Trends – July 2020
The tally of 48 new consortia in the first seven months of 2020 is impressive. The visible slack compared to last year can be attributed to the COVID-induced disruptions that have rocked the IT-spending across sectors.
Top Four Enterprise Blockchain Consortia Trends
Forming consortia has been a strategy of many enterprises that are experimenting with blockchain technology because, for the successful implementation of blockchain, a number of stakeholders must be on-board.
2018 Enterprise Blockchain Trends – Food and beverage industry
At the beginning of the year, industry giants such as Coca Cola and Starbucks gave a vote of confidence to this technology by rolling out their pilot projects, and it was soon followed by widespread adoption by small and medium-sized companies.
Governments remain bullish on blockchain for healthcare sector
Healthcare is one of the sectors where governments and private enterprises co-exist in many countries. In this article, we explore how various governments are embracing the blockchain technology to address industry issues and drive efficiencies.
Blockchain-based trade finance platforms: Winners for banks & Insurers
It’s no surprise, then, that the application of distributed ledger technology (blockchain) in trade finance has become an important focal point for financial institutions around the world. This application has the capacity to make the overall trade flow – currently hampered by outdated processes, faster and more cost-effective.