ESG Intelligence – Afresh Technologies

Company Name Afresh Technologies Country United States Industry IT Services and IT Consulting Website Sustainability Focus Waste Management Technology Focus   Description Afresh Technologies specializes in AI-driven solutions...

IoT Powered Growing Chambers for Sustainable Farming

Project Classification ID: 4027 Geography: India Industry/ Sector: Agriculture Technologies used: Internet of Things Sustainability Themes: Sustainable Farming Companies Involved: Eeki Foods, Country Delight, Barton Breeze, and Fit Farms Project Description...

Eight Technology Solutions to Reduce Aviation Emissions

The aviation industry, a marvel of human engineering and innovation, has transformed the way we connect with the world. From bridging continents in mere hours to facilitating global commerce, the benefits of air travel are undeniable. However, like many technological...

Seven Technology Solutions to Save Mangroves

Mangroves, the verdant guardians of our coastlines, are a testament to nature’s resilience and adaptability. These unique trees and shrubs, predominantly found in tropical and subtropical regions, have evolved to thrive in challenging coastal conditions...

Beyond Sky Streaks – Environmental Impact of Contrails

As you gaze up at the sky, you might often notice white streaks crisscrossing the blue expanse, especially in the wake of a jet plane. These streaks, commonly known as contrails, are more than just a visual spectacle. They have hidden environmental impacts that are...

Five Technology Solutions to Address Food Waste in Hospitality Sector

The hospitality sector, a cornerstone of the global economy, is unfortunately also a significant contributor to the escalating issue of food waste. From lavish buffets in hotels to uneaten meals in restaurants, the food waste in hospitaity sector is staggering. This...

Five Technologies to Combat Potable Water Wastage

Water is the essence of life. It’s a resource that every living being on Earth relies upon. Yet, despite its significance, potable (drinkable) water is becoming increasingly scarce. The crisis of potable water shortage and wastage is a pressing global issue that...

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