What is Circular Economy?
The current environmental crisis that we find ourselves in, is multidimensional – rising emissions, limited availability of resources, excess waste, and loss of biodiversity, are some of the common issues that every industry is facing today. There is a magic word which is conveniently used as a solution to many of these problems – Circular economy. This is a term given to a set of changes in supply chains of consumer and industrial products aimed at maximising the utilization of products and the materials used in those products to minimize waste. It can be implemented by reducing, reusing, recycling, and recovering of materials in supply chains.

4 Benefits of Empowering the Young Generation for a Better Future
Embracing sustainability is not only a choice but a responsibility for today’s young generation. By adopting sustainable practices, young individuals can actively contribute to addressing environmental challenges, fostering resilience, shaping responsible consumption and production patterns, and promoting social equity.
How Does NDVI Drive Sustainability?
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is one of the most commonly used indices in remote sensing for the assessment of vegetation health. NDVI is a simple graphical indicator that uses the near-infrared and red wavelength band to assess the amount of...
Computer Vision Drives Sustainability
What is Computer Vision? Computer Vision is a field of artificial intelligence that deals with the development of algorithms, models, and systems that can process and understand visual information from the world. It aims to enable machines to interpret and understand...
Enterprises can now measure the carbon footprint of blockchain initiatives
We see this as another step to benefit Blockchain for Sustainability momentum! Having tracked enterprise blockchain adoption for over six years now, we know that despite facilitating hundreds of enterprise projects aimed at improving sustainability performance,...
Two Solutions to Bridge the ESG Reporting Divide
While there has been a big improvement in scope, quality, and consistency of sustainability reporting by many public companies, only a few large companies are driving this improvement.
Blockchain Consortia Trends and Outlook 2021
Blockchain consortia have the potential to take many successful pilots and proof of concepts that were done in the last few years, to commercialization, by bringing all relevant stakeholders on board. They can emerge as the preferred method of blockchain adoption for enterprises by creating industry level trust networks.