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Technology Drives Sustainability Initiatives

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Driving Sustainability in Wastewater Treatment: Renewable Energy and Efficiency in Pendleton, Oregon
September 4, 2024
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Driving Sustainability in Wastewater Treatment: Renewable Energy and Efficiency in Oregon

The wastewater treatment industry faces significant sustainability challenges, primarily due to its heavy reliance on energy-intensive processes and the growing pressure to reduce carbon emissions. Traditional wastewater treatment plants often depend on fossil fuel-generated electricity, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and escalating operational costs. Additionally, water quality management in these facilities is critical, requiring high energy input and chemicals, such as chlorine, to maintain standards, adding further environmental and economic burdens.

In response to these challenges, the city of Pendleton, Oregon, in collaboration with Ameresco, Inc., launched an innovative renewable energy project to drive sustainability at its Wastewater Treatment Resource Recovery Facility (WWTRRF). The $1.8 million project involves the installation of a 240 kW solar photovoltaic (PV) canopy system, designed to generate 325,000 kWh of electricity annually. This system will reduce the facility’s dependency on non-renewable energy by offsetting a significant portion of its electricity consumption. Moreover, the canopy shades one of the facility’s chlorine clarifiers, improving the effectiveness of chlorine in water treatment, leading to lower chemical costs and enhanced water quality.

Beyond energy generation, the project incorporates workforce training and supplier diversity initiatives, targeting rural and underserved populations, aligning with the goals of the Oregon Department of Energy’s Community Renewable Energy Grant Program (CREP). This underscores a commitment to building local capacity in renewable energy sectors while fostering inclusive economic growth. Future plans to integrate a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) will further enhance the facility’s energy resilience by storing excess energy produced by the solar array for later use.

Technology plays a pivotal role in addressing the sustainability challenges of wastewater treatment. By implementing solar power, improving operational efficiency, and planning for energy storage, the WWTRRF is becoming a model for net-zero energy operations. These advancements not only reduce the facility’s carbon footprint but also enhance its long-term economic viability.

Source: Elkhorn Media Group

Technologies Used:

  • Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Canopy System: Converts sunlight into electricity, reducing the facility’s reliance on non-renewable energy.
  • Chlorine Treatment Efficiency Enhancement: By providing shade over the clarifier, the system improves chlorine treatment efficiency, reducing chemical usage and costs.
  • Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) (planned): Will store excess energy generated and improve energy management.

Companies Involved:

  • Ameresco, Inc.: Acts as the cleantech integrator, overseeing the installation of the solar PV system and future energy upgrades. The company is central to the design and implementation of the project, ensuring energy efficiency and renewable energy integration.
  • Pacific Power: Provides critical utility incentives and support for integrating renewable energy into local infrastructure.
  • Oregon Department of Energy (CREP): Offers financial support and promotes workforce training and diversity in renewable energy projects.

SDGs Impacted:

  • SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy): By generating renewable energy, the initiative reduces dependence on fossil fuels, promoting clean energy usage.
  • SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation): Improved wastewater treatment efficiency contributes to cleaner water being returned to the environment.
  • SDG 13 (Climate Action): By reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources and cutting carbon emissions, the project actively supports climate resilience.

Geographic Focus: United States

Industry Focus: Utilities

Sustainability Focus:

  • Energy Efficiency and Emissions Reduction: The project addresses the high energy consumption of wastewater treatment facilities by introducing renewable energy solutions, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and operational costs.
  • Water Quality Management: By enhancing the efficiency of chlorine treatment in the wastewater process, the project improves water quality and reduces chemical use, contributing to better environmental outcomes.

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