Ongoing monitoring of your suppliers for dynamic risk exposure tracking – A combination of dynamic alerts and periodic newsletters on suppliers and supply markets.

Why Dynamic Supplier Intelligence?


In today’s connected world, the information travels very fast and negative news travels even faster. It is therefore imperative for an organization to be in the know about important developments taking place in its supply chains. However, this is easier said than done. There is a huge amount of news that is generated about each supplier, and a lot of this is also ‘placed news’ for marketing purpose. Therefore, a robust methodology to filter out redundant and irrelevant news without missing out on important developments is necessary.

Dynamic Supplier Intelligence can allow procurement heads to eliminate ‘supplier surprises’ and act proactively in case of any urgent development. It also enables them to regularly monitor the risk areas that are identified for a supplier in its risk assessment. This is an important tool in the hands of procurement heads to manage supply chain risk.

How do we deliver dynamic supplier intelligence?

As mentioned above, dynamic supplier intelligence is best done through a comprehensive tracking methodology, that is diligently followed. We have a tracking methodology in place which combines daily tracking and periodic review of important new sources for each supplier. Our experienced also filters out redundant and irrelevant information and delivers only the important information to you through three deliverables :

  • Dynamic supplier alerts: Crisp new alerts on news items that are of high importance to the client, generally negative news.
  • Supplier news letters: Monthly/quarterly newsletters for each supplier capturing all important news categorized for convenience.
  • Supply market intelligence: Monthly/ quarterly newsletters for important supply market developments categorized for convenience.

Delivery: This information can be delivered to the clients via email, through a supplier dashboard that we can create, or can be uploaded on the client’s supplier portal, according to the client’s convenience.

Here are the broad categories for which we track the suppliers and supply markets:

Supplier Intelligence Categories
  • Financial Results Update
  • Business Strategy Update
  • New Client Addition
  • Client Loss
  • New Strategic Partnership
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Penalty/ Fine/ Investigation/ Lawsuit
  • New Product/ Service launches (only relevant to client)
  • Industry Ranking
  • Awards and Recognition
  • Material Sustainability Initiatives
  • Negative Sustainability News
Supply Market Intelligence Categories
  • Industry Rankings
  • New Market Entrants
  • Important Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Industry Trends
  • Regulatory Trends
  • Macroeconomic Trends
  • Geopolitical Trends
  • Expert Opinion on Important Trends

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