SIA Platform – All Blockchain Consortia and Executive List – Test

The Subscription includes:

+ Access to a live list of all blockchain consortia that includes:
– Consortium Name
– Consortium Objective
– Focus Use Cases
– Focus Industry
– Focus Geography
– Consortium Size
– Consortium Maturity
– Key Members
– Platform used
– Weblinks to the consortia website and news updates from the web
+ Access to a use case dashboard that allows you to identify and analyze consortia related to specific use cases, industries, size, etc.
+ Access to a live list of key executives that are participating in that consortia.
– Executive Name
– Executive Designation
– Executive Company Name
– LinkedIn profile (if available)


Pricing: USD 300/ quarter (3 months). Other buying options: USD 1000 for 12 months.

Please fill the information below and pay to subscribe:

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